I read 8 books in October. I started the month really wanting to finish 9, and I'm a third of the way through with a different book, but this last week life just got super busy and overwhelming and I just couldn't finish it. The end of the year is almost here!

I re-read this book. I looked it up on my book blog and can't believe it's been 7 years since I read it the first time. I love Shannon Hale and this series. They are magical and great books for any teen girls (or older!) to read and love. I hope to re-read the other Bayern books soon.

I picked up this book at the library and I had no idea how much I would love it! It's a story about a teen, Jessica, who loves to run and tragically loses her leg in an accident. Learning to live and maybe even run again...this story tells if and how she does it. It was such a great book! I hard such a hard time thinking this was a piece of fitcion, the characters were very real to me. I think if you love the book "Wonder" you would love this book...and if you love running or not you would love this book.

Our school book fair was this month. This was one the librarian told me was good. She said the principle read it and thought it was pretty funny. I figured it was worth a shot. It was SO funny! Hilarious. I think my boys would love this series. This might be something going on their Christmas list (without them knowing)

Another book fair find. I read Each Little Bird that Sings by Deborah Wiles years ago and loved it. I knew I would love this book. Ruby's grandmother goes to Hawaii and Ruby has to learn to get through summer without her. She makes new friends and learns new things. It's a fun little story and I think I'll be adding more Deborah Wiles books to my reading list soon.

A good friend let me borrow this book, she has a bunch on her reading list for me to borrow actually! I thought this was a fun and cute story. I think there are even more books making this a series. I'll have to look for them at the library.

This book was recommended on my amazon page and it was a good book. It's LDS romantic fiction. It's also has a conversion story and a little family history mixed in. The author lives in the south and has 6 kids. How she has time to write fiction too, I'll never figure out, but I'm looking forward to her other book!

I've been waiting for this book to come out and it finally did! This is the third book in a series that I have really enjoyed. If you enjoy clean regency romance, I think Sarah E. Ladd is a great place to start!

A friend read this book and rated it on Goodreads and it looked really interesting to me. Alice wakes up from an accident and has forgotten 10 years of her life. 10 years gone. Where was I at 10 years ago, where would I be 10 years from now? It's such an interesting concept and idea. I really enjoyed this book and thought the characters were fascinating and loved the ending. The only thing is it has pretty strong language. I didn't really love that, but I really think it was an interesting book.
My book list total is now at 82.
I have two months and 18 books to go!
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