
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get Energy

Get Energy
Denise Austin
5 Stars
239 pages

Before reading this book I would not say I was a Denise Austin fan.  Not that I had anything against her either, but if it hadn’t been on display, I probably never would have read this book.

Like I said, I saw it on display, we were at the library.  And I’m positive after corralling 4 kids (7, 4, 2 and 7 months) around trying to keep everyone quiet and happy while selecting books, I was all out of energy.  Get Energy, was begging to come home with me.  So it did.

Another reason I thought I would like this book is that in my personal life this year I’ve picked one word to try and focus on this year, and it is “enjoy”  So I thought this book would be helpful in my focus.  I have really wanted to focus on enjoying life this year.

At the beginning of the book you take a quiz to find out exactly what is “zapping your energy.”  The following chapters highlight ideas and solutions for each section that had your highest scores.  I read through every chapter and I found helpful information in almost every section!  The last part of the book has a worksheet and a 14 day plan that can help you increase energy.

After reading Austins suggestions and plan I think the only item that I would have a really hard time doing is getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night.  That baby mentioned still wakes up at night...along with random times his siblings wake up too.  I also stay up way to late at night so I can spend time with my husband who works pretty long hours.  I know lack of sleep is a serious energy drainers in my life right now. It's an area that I really need to work on.

I have to say that I loved this book!  I found it filled with fun and easy ideas that are easy to incorporate into your life.  It was uplifting and inspiriting. Now I just need to go out there and Get Energy in my life!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unclutter Your Life in One Week

Unclutter Your Life in One Week
Erin Rooney Doland
3 Star
227 pages

I am always looking for new ways to organize and reorganize my house and life!  I saw this book on display at the library and it totally jumped out at me.  I was excited to find some new tips and maybe come up with a plan for a couple problem areas in my house.

After reading (mostly skimming) through this book I was disappointed.  I think if you work full time, are single, or a couple without kids, that live in a large city that you would really enjoy this book.  I just didn’t find many of the ideas that she presented fitting into my life.  I am a stay at home mom of four young kids.  One is at school, which frees some of my time, but the younger three, that demand the most time, are still at home.  The author suggests 3 projects a day, one in the morning, one at work and one at night.  I could maybe manage one of the projects a day, but certainly not 3.

I really think what I am trying to find is an "organize the family" life book.  I need the most help with kid toys, clothes baby items.  The book never address kids, kids room, or kid clutter.

That being said, I don’t think that this was a “bad book” I just didn’t feel like it was for me.  Every day at an activity you could do at your office.  I don’t work outside the home, and while our “home office’ really needs a make-over, this book just didn’t have the tips and suggestions that I was looking for.  I did enjoy the section about cook books though.

I think that Doland did have some good suggestions, for example, not holding on to sentimental clutter.  I also do most likely hold on to books much longer than I need too.  Some of the other suggestions she had I totally disagree with. I believe in having a food storage, and a couple months supply of certain items.  I believe in case of an emergency these items aren't considered clutter, but  are essential for our family.  They only are clutter in my mind if I can't find a proper place to put them away.  

In the end, I suggest if you are looking for some organization tips and you see this book at your library it’s worth checking out and skimming through.