
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Miss Bishop

Miss Bishop
Bess Streeter Aldrich
5 Stars

If we could only have more people in this world like Miss Bishop. The story begins with Ella Bishop's first days at Midwestern College. Ella is a lively, spunky girl and the book is her journey through life. She cares for her mother, is a devoted friend and a constant. She is a teacher, and therefore a mother to so many.

Ella Bishop's life is not an easy one, but she never complains. She never takes the easy way out and she always does the right thing. The book has ups and downs. At some points I was so sad I was brought to tears for Miss Ella Bishop and at other points I was literally laughing out loud.

I started Bess Streeter Aldrich's more famous book, A Lantern in Her Hand, for a book club last year and I never could finish it. Miss Bishop was such a touching book that A Lantern in Her Hand is up next on my list.

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